Friday, August 20, 2004

The Adventure continued...

Our story last ended with Zebra-man chasing the evil pigeons who had Eads, and that is where this one begins...

Zebra-Man chased the pigeons all the way back to their Headquarters, but because they were birds, they had a flying HQ up in the sky. Zebra's are not skilled flyers, so Zebra-Man had to stop and think about how to continue his journey. He was almost resigned to giving up and heading back home, but then Penguin-Guy showed up in his flying Penguinmobile! (Penguins can't fly; hence the need for a car capable of flying) Penguin-Guy gave Zebra-Man a ride up to the flying castle in the sky, and dropped him off on the convenient helicopter pad. The sounds of the penguinmobile woke up the two pigeons guarding the castle entrance, but they were too late, because before they could react, Zebra-Man gave them both sharp kicks with his hind legs, thus preventing them from blocking the castle entrance. At this time Zebra-Man continued through the castle gate on his own, because Penguin-Guy (who has sweet computer hacking skills) was busy in his Penguinmobile shutting down the alarm system of the flying castle. Zebra-man continued walking through the castle, occasionaly kicking pigeons, until he reached the prison cell where Eads was being held. he galloped/pranced/frolicked heroically up to his holding cell and the following conversation unfolded...
"Hi Eads"
"Hi Zebra-Man"
"Are you okay?"
"Why not?"
"I was captured, and they only feed me rice, instead of bamboo, which is what I normally eat" (Eads the Panda got his superhuman strength from eating bamboo, not rice)
"Oh, lets get you out of here"
Zebra-Man then proceeded to look for the keys, but when he turned around, he saw a pigeon holdng the keys, who said...
"Are you looking for these?"
"Okay, you can have them"
Now Zebra-Man was really surprised, because he thought this would be much more difficult. Then the pigeon explained that her name was Piginny, and she didn't want to be an evil pigeon, and wanted to help out the good guys on their quest to defeat evil, so she joined their crime-fighting team. They freed Eads and went back out to the helicopter pad to tell Penguin Guy the good news. Once they had united with Penguin Guy, they decided to destroy the Evil Pigeon King of Pigeons and his flying castle. With the help of Piginny they snuck back through the castle and went to the Pigeon King's room. When they got there, the Pigeon King said, "I've been waiting for you, now it's time to destroy you meddlesome fools once and for all" (Big words from a pigeon) He then swooped down at them, his razor sharp talons barely missing them. The good guys then sprang into action, but whatever they did wasn't strong enough to defeat the Pigeon King. They decided it was time to unleash the secret weapon, (which I didn't even know about until a few minutes ago) and, using their black and white superhero rings, united together and summoned the Super Siberian Tiger (which is also black and white). Now the Pigeon King was nervous, and flew out of reach of the super white Tiger, and ordered his robots and pigeons to attack them instead. The Tiger kept destroying them, but they kept coming at him endlessly, and he began to tire. Then Piginny remembered the one thing that could defeat the pigeon King... rice*. (rice+ water= expansion. Expansion+ Pigeons tiny stomach= POP!) Eads still had some rice stuck to his fur, so he threw it up into the Pigeon King's beak. Then Penguin guy made some ice cubes (with his Penguin power) and when they melted in the Pigeon King's stomach, the Pigeon King popped. Once they were without their king, the other pigeons and robots surrendered to the Good Guys. Yea! Then the good Guys (now including Piginny) returned to VCC (their secret headquarters) to play cards and reminisce about all the good times they have shared, while the siberian tiger went home to Siberia, which is where siberian tigers live, oddly enough.

But the fight was not yet won, because the evil Pigeon King of Pigeons had only been a pawn for the real bad guy, the Evil Scorpion King of all that is evil.

To Be continued (I will think of something)
-David Schrieber

Thanks to all those on the backpacking trip who helped me with this story, especially Aaron and Trevor

*I realize it is slightly unrealistic that pigeons would feed prisoners rice, and keep it on board the castle, even though it is the only thing that can destroy their king

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