Sunday, January 29, 2006

Chapter 3 of the story

Before we continue the story, we need to summarize where this story begins, using the Panda-Style number format...
1. A bunch of pigeons just blew up, except for Piginny, who abandoned her evil pigeon ways and became nice. Let this be a message to the other pigeons...
2. Eads the Panda was rescued, and ate lots of bamboo afterwards, while exaggerating the story to undermine the fact that he was kidnapped by a bunch of birds, despite being a large panda... weak sauce.
3. Piginny is also investigating threats of evil in Hawaii, because pigeons can't play cards (Unlike, of course, penguins and zebras and pandas.)
Now the story can begin...
During the 500th consecutive game of "go fish" the crime fighting team has played since the last story (it's been awhile), Penguin-Guy said... "Didn't we end the last story by realizing that there is a really evil bad guy named the evil Scorpion King of all that is evil, and shouldn't we do something about it?"
The team realized that Penguin-Guy had a point, and that they wouldn't be very good crime fighters if they kept playing go fish while the Evil Scorpion King was terrorizing people, because then they would just be card players. They decided to pack their bags for Canada and prepare to head out, because Canada was presumably where the Evil Scorpion King lived.
"Wait," said Zebra-Man, "Isn't Canada just a myth used to scare children from moving Northward"
"Why would parents want to stop their children from moving northward?" asked Eads the Panda.
"I don't know..." said Zebra-Man
To sum up an incredibly long debate on the potential of Canada being a myth, and the effects it has on northward emigration, (to learn more about this, read the article entitled "Canada: Noble Land of Geese and Mooses or Myth used to Scare Children" which has not and probably will not ever be written, but you never know) what basically happened was that they decided to try to get there anyway, despite risking falling off the edge of the world while crossing the border. And, because having a crime-fighting team fall off the edge of the world is not constructive to a good crime-fighting story, we will assume Canada is real for the time being.
The Penguinmobile safely reached Canada, and was trying to figure out how to go about finding the whereabouts of the Evil Castle. (because the scorpion King is evil... hence an evil castle)
Zebra-man commented "isn't this the part of the story where someone or something unexpected happens that happens to magically make our journey easier, and consequently shorter"
So they waited for something magical and unexpected to happen, but nothing happened.
"lame," said penguin-Guy, "that was anticlimatic and and quite adumbrate" (Penguin-Guy was studying for his SAT's and either doing well or not so well, depending on if he used those words right)
But then, as if in answer to Penguin-Guy's potentially correct comment, Eads the Panda was hit in the face by a large bird.
"there we go, that was what I was looking for" said Zebra-Man
The goose stood up and introduced herself...
"I am Mary the Goose"
"Hi Mary the Goose, are you good or evil?" asked Penguin-Guy
"I'm good"
"Yay! That makes the story so much easier! Do you happen to know the way to a frightining, ominous, and presumably sinister evil castle?"
"I think so... I was flying over one and they shot things at me, which led to me crashing into the panda's face."
"How do we know that's the right evil castle? canada could be full of evil castles just like that one!"
"There was a big sign near it that said 'This is the Evil Castle of the evil Scorpion king' and before they shot me I heard them singing in haiku 'We are Scorpions, we shoot geese and have some fun, Our King is the bomb'"
"It doesn't get much simpler or ridiculously easier than that. That is almost bordering on unbelievability! Good thing this is a story about crime-fighting animals, because otherwise no one would believe it!"
So the crime fighting team set off towards the dark castle with their new friend, Mary the Goose, hoping to find and challenge the evil scorpion king.
(For the next line imagine a deep booming voice reading it, with scary music in the backround)

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Zebra-Man, Penguin-Guy, and Eads the Panda Adventure (Interlude)

Zebra-Man and Penguin-Guy,
both are cool but neither can fly
Eads the Panda with his superstrength,
none of his battles have a very long length
In their last story they met Piginny,
who used to be mean but is now just silly
The Evil Scorpion King of all that is evil,
has a crazy sidekick known as "The Weevil"
Their bad guy fortress is in Canada,
but ask us if it's real and we couldn't tell ya
So the next adventure will take us there,
a zebra, a penguin, and a panda bear
Piginny's on vacation in Hawaii
working as a top-secret spy
The next adventure will be dark and scary,
but we get some help from a goose named Mary...
Sorry in the delay for writing it,
but this song should hold you over for a bit
Adventure, explosions, and suspense,
the third story will be intense

Stay tuned for the story to show up here,
have an excellent day and a Happy New Year!


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