Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Menacing Monkey Chapter 2...

Story Recap; in the exclusive dancing animal recap formatting style...
The team went to Hawaii to find DalmatiHonn's friend, James the Killer Whale
After getting some help from Keiko (Viva Keiko!), the stumbled upon DK the Rock (get it? because Zebra-Man stubbed his toe... stumbled? Get it?)
With the help of Smitty the Kitty (the Lemur) and Chuck Norris, the team defeated the Loser Lemur of all that is lame ("Nice alliteration").
Now, they added James the Killer Whale to their team (who is possibly more useless than DK the Rock... sorry James)

Book 2, Chapter 2

After the team had finished laughing at one of DK the Rock's crazy anecdotes, there was an awkard silence.
"Well," said Penguin guy, "what should we do next?"
"Umm, we should probably introduce a new character, or go somewhere to find the Malicious Monkey," said zebra-Man
"That's original" said Piginny scoffingly.
Smitty the Kitty rolled his eyes.
"Woe to us!" said Penguin Guy.
"Actually, I have an idea" said DalmatiHonn. "I didn't want to burden you guys with this earlier, but James and I have another friend that was captured"
"What's his name?" asked Zebra-Man
"I forgot" said DalmatiHonn (aka, the narrator has not yet decided.)
Piginny scoffed.
Smitty the Kitty rolled his eyes.
"Anyway, he was taken to a small island in the ocean, so we should go rescue him, too." said DalmatiHonn.
"Yes!" said James the Killer Whale, "now I can do something useful, because we are near water! I was really worried that I wouldn't ever do anything of any use at all!"
So the team boarded on to James the Killer Whale's back, and set off for the island in the ocean.
On the way, they turned to DK the Rock for some inspirational words of wisdom...
"The soldier who retreated 50 paces jeered at the one who retreated 100 paces," he said.
Piginny scoffed.
Smitty the Kitty rolled his eyes.
However, this is what everyone else needed to hear to be inspired. Zebra-Man placed DK the Rock back in his fannypack as they neared the island in the ocean.

The team had reached a seemingly deserted island, and exited off of James the Killer Whale's back. As they were exited, James thought he saw Zebra-man holding a piece of candy, so he pushed him to the ground to get it.
"Hey, what are you doing!" yelled Zebra-man.
"Sorry" said James the Killer Whale "I just like candy so much that I like to push people down so that I can get it first."
Then James the Killer Whale submerged himself back in the water, because killer whales are not at all useful on land, especially Killer whales that like to push people to get candy.

"Now what do we do?" asked Mary the Goose
"Let's see... we are on a deserted island, in the middle of the ocean, looking for a character that we don't really know about yet. Hmmmm...." pondered Eads the Panda.
"Wait a minute, what's that?" asked Penguin Guy.
It was a palm tree. (Penguin's are not familiar with palm trees, because there aren't any palm trees where penguins live)
Eads the Panda, who was knowledgeable about trees (because of all the characters, Eads was the most wise), told Penguin Guy
"It is a palm tree"
"Oh" said Penguin guy "I was not familiar with palm trees, because there aren't any palm trees where penguins live"
"True that" said DalmatiHonn.

Piginny and Mary the Goose flew to the top of the tree to investigate it, because it was the only thing on the island, and therefore the only thing worth investigating.
"It looks normal" said Mary the Goose
Then Smitty the Kitty used his lemur-like skills to climb the tree and investigate for himself.
"Wait a minute" he said "I think I found somethii----" But he didn't finish his sentence, because he had suddenly disappeared.
"Woe is us!" yelled Penguin Guy."We have lost Smitty the Kitty, the best lemur on our team. Who will roll their eyes now without him?"
Zebra-Man tried to roll his eyes, but one of them got stuck. Everyone laughed. Ohh.... : (
Then Piginny tried, and there was a huge explosion.
"Oh No' said eads the Panda, " you have combined your death glare powers with eye rolling powers, creating the most deadly eye-roll of all time!"
The explosion jarred Zebra-Mans stuck eye enough to return his vision to normal, and with his eye functioning again noticed that the explosion had caused the palm tree to disappear.
The team ran/skipped/flew/belly-slid over to the crater, and found a deep hole.
"That must have been where Smitty the Kitty fell through. it must have been a chimney-like opening to beneath the island" said Zebra-Man.
Then DalmatiHonn, using some sick digging skills, widened the hole enough for the characters to go inside.
"Okay, some of you need to guard the entrance until we come back' said Zebra-Man "How about, Mary the Goose, DK the Rock, and DalmatiHonn"
"Why us?" they asked.
"Because there are 7 of us, and that is way too many characters to give dialogue to. This way, there are only four of us going down" explained Zebra-man.
"Okay' said Mary the Goose
"Okay" said DalmatiHonn
"If you have money you can make the ghosts and devils turn your grind stone." said DK the Rock
Piginny was about to roll her eyes, but Eads stopped her, lest it create another explosion.
The lack of Smitty the Kitty's eye roll mad everyone sad, and they decided to hurry up to save him, so Zebra Man, Eads the Panda, Penguin Guy, and Piginny jumped into the hole.

They landed on a hard cement floor, but luckily Eads the Panda had hit first, and his panda-belly and broken the fall of everyone else. Then, the platform began to move, and bars began to rise up around them.
"Oh dear!' said Penguin-Guy
"Quick, Piginny, fly back up the chimney and tell the others to help us" said Zebra-man.
Piginny flew off, escaping just beore the bars closed. The now-caged animals were moving away into the darkness. After a while, they were in a large cavern, and they spotted Smitty the Kitty in his own cage a little ways off.
As they looked around into the darkness, they saw lots of moving shapes.
"What is that?" asked Eads the panda.
Their eyes continued to adjust, and then they recognized the shapes- they were little kittens all chained up in a big row.
Then they heard a snarling noise and turned around to see something so sinister and so frightening, that words cannot describe it... but then, the narrator could not make the picture of it work, so it turns out that words can describe it.
It was a puppy- but not just any puppy... an evil Golden Retriever puppy named Cali!!! Bumm bum bum!
"I am Cali, the Evil King of Dogs. You have found my secret lair, where I enslave kittens to do my evil bidding. Ha!"
Penguin Guy collapsed into a heap of fear. Zebra-Man tried to reason with it, but it was no use. Cali bit Zebra-man's hand and growled.
Just when all seemed hopeless, they heard an explosion behind them. Piginny had rolled her eyes, and had shown up with Mary the Goose, DalmatiHonn, and DK the rock.
"DalmatiHonn, you must reason with it" Eads yelled, "because you are both dogs"
DalmatiHonn, in a series of growls, whines, and various tail-wagging techniques somehow managed to calm Cali down (because she was good at heart). Then Cali apologized for her actions and set the kittens free. She also offered to join the team, because her biting and barking skills could come in handy.
"On one condition," said Zebra-man, "you must never say anything, because we have a lot of characters already"
Cali agreed to this.
One of the kittens came up to the team and said, "My name is Trevor the Lemur. I know it doesn't make sense because I am a kitten, but they thought it would be funny to name me that. I don't really see why. Cal captured me here long ago, by eating my flip-flop, then promising me a new flip-flop if I follwed her here, but instead she captured me."
The team had pity on Trevor the Lemur for his unfortunate name and situation, and decided that he could join the team- and he could talk, for some reason, even though Cali couldn't.

Now that DalmatiHonn's entire team had been rescued, they were able to set off in pursuit of the Monkey King, to free the land of his evil ways.
they stepped out into the sunlight of the island, and called upon James the Killer Whale to take them to their next destination.

To be continued...

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