Thursday, January 01, 2009

C Story. C Story Run.

In order to clarify a few important points of past stories, and as a great way to start writing without thinking of an introduction, here is a re-cap of the A+B stories ->

*If you have somehow not yet noticed (or if you have not read A, B, or Zebra-Man stories), the A, B, and C stories are continuations of "The Adventures of Zebra-Man, Penguin-Guy, and Eads the Panda" (on Now that that has been cleared up...

*In A Story, Gregle the Eagle and Lenny the mystical talking cow/pig met Eads the Panda atop Panda Mountain in Panda Forest, where he sent them to the land of Wolley to find a way of battling evil.

*In B Story, the two met up with DalmatiHonn, Trevor the Lemur (the cat), Skunk Boy, Cali, and Panda Junior, who are also looking for the mystical powers found in Wolley, because:

*In a sub-section of B Story, a mysterious toucan gave the aforementioned crime-fighters a map to the Vault of Boxes, and while there they accidentally opened both Pandora's Box (hence the evil that must be battled) and Panda's Box (hence the baby panda). 


Now that Gregle the Eagle and Lenny the Cow/Pig had met up with DalmatiHonn, Trevor the Lemur, Skunk Boy, Cali, and Panda Junior, there were more than enough characters to move on with the plot line. Now united in their journey to the land of Wolley to find a mysterious power to battle the evil of Pandora's Box, they decided to set out in the morning. While Gregle and Lenny only had the ambiguous pointing finger of Eads the Panda to guide them, the others had years of experience in finding mystical places that may not exist, and thus they continued South through Malaysia.

After a few more days of traveling, Gregle struck up a conversation (not that they hadn't conversed in the previous days of traveling, but what they said didn't really matter):
"So you guys actually knew them? Zebra-Man, Penguin-Guy, Eads the Panda, etc.? And all those legends are true?"
"Yeah, of course" answered DalmatiHonn, who had been the first of those present to join the crime-fighting team, as he asked for help to find his friend James the Killer Whale.
"I still don't believe it," said Lenny, the mystical talking cow/pig. "I know there are talking animals, but a ZEBRA? Fighting crime? How could a zebra even fight crime? And the legends say the penguin could fly! And no animal could possibly whine as frequently as Piginny supposedly did! And DK the Rock was supposedly a rock! Rocks don't talk!"
The others, surprised at such a large rant from such a small cow/pig, were momentarily stunned before Trevor the Lemur (the cat) responded to defend his crime-fighting team:
"You're forgetting about their ability to summon a flying Siberian Tiger, and that they have supposedly been to Canada, and that Eads the Panda could smash through solid rock after a bite of bamboo."
DalmatiHonn and Skunk Boy laughed fondly at the memories, while Panda Junior laughed at the irony of Trevor the Lemur's response and the incredulous look on Lenny's face. Cali, incapable of laughter, had jogged ahead to what seemed to be a clearing in the woods, which the other animals discovered to be an end of the tree line and the start of a meadow next to the ocean.

"We're out of the forest!" Skunk Boy exclaimed. And they all frolicked about in the meadow for some time before collapsing into the grass. Excited at the new environment they found themselves in, but unsure of what to do next, they decided a quick nap was in order before moving on to search for Wolley. As they nodded off, Skunk Boy looked up just in time to see Cali open her mouth to chew up some grass.
"Cali, no! That will give you a stomachache!" he yelled.
But Cali disobediently proceeded to take a bite, and then several things happened at once. There was a loud bang, Cali disappeared, the others were all shocked out of sleep, and the meadow suddenly became much cooler and darker.

"What's happening?" yelled Gregle, above the confusion of the others. "Is this a normal part of your adventures?"
"I've seen worse" said Trevor the Lemur, "but this is up there. But what is that?"
The others looked at where the Lemur pointed and saw a huge, snow covered mountain rising out of the ocean a few hundred yards away, causing the shadowy darkness they now found themselves in.
"That explains the shadow, but where's Cali? I told her not to eat grass!" said Skunk Boy.
"Wait a minute, this grass... Trevor, don't you think this looks a little bit like Snodgrass?" asked DalmatiHonn.
"Yeah it does! It all makes sense!"
"Does it really?" asked Lenny.
"Don't worry about it" said Gregle.
"Snodgrass is extremely rare, most people have never even heard of it, but for those who have, it obviously belongs in this story! It exists to help people in their quest for the lands of Wolley and Der!" said DalmatiHonn. "And that mountain must be Wolley!"
"It doesn't look like much fun" said Gregle. "So now what?"
"If this stuff is supposed to help us, I'm doing what Cali did. I have to find her," declared Skunk Boy as he took a bite before the others could delay him to decide on a real plan. And with a similar pop, he too disappeared. 
"It is supposed to help us, and Wolley is right there," reasoned Trevor the Lemur.
"You're right," thought Panda Junior, who had felt neglected in the story due to his inability to talk. So each of them took a small handful of what they really hoped was Snodgrass, and though Lenny was very reluctant, all took a bite. 

After five more pops, they found themselves on the banks of the snowy mountain, reunited with a rather startled looking Cali and Skunk Boy.
"It's snowing," said Lenny.
"Thanks Penguin-Guy, for that weather update," quipped Trevor the Lemur. 
"I don't get it" said Lenny.
"Don't worry about it" said Gregle.
They had indeed found the mystical land of Wolley, and - surrounded by the joy and fun that it provided - they proceeded to cheerfully throw snowballs and attempt to make snow angels, completely rejuvenated from their tiring hike and meadow frolicking. After a while, still not tired, they decided to climb the mountain to seek the first of the two powers which would help them defeat evil. Despite DalmatiHonn's protests and Cali's growling, they decided that they quickest way up would be a dogsled, while Gregle volunteered to fly nearby. Quickly ascending the tremendous mountain, laughing merrily all the way, they eventually reached a large cave opening near the summit, and slowly proceeded inside.
THE END (of that paragraph)

Their footsteps echoing off of the smooth rock walls of the cave, they moved deeper inside. In the heart of the cave, they found themselves facing two stone statues on pedestals of an elaborately carved penguin and panda, smiling as they faced forward.
"This is incredible!" exclaimed DalmatiHonn! "Somehow Penguin Guy and Eads the Panda are going to help us fight off the evil in the world! It will be just like old times!" (I know I shouldn't have put the "!" after DalmatiHonn, but narrators can be excited too). 
Though greatly cheered by this thought, the team had not yet figured out how they could enlist the help of their old friends. After talking to them, pushing them, dancing in circles around them, and biting them (Cali's idea) they were out of ideas and sat own inside the cave, unsure of what to do. 
"What would Zebra-Man do if he were here?" asked Gregle.
"He usually just waited for something magical to happen" answered Skunk Boy.
"But we've obviously already done that" said Lenny.
"Sometimes he and the others put their fists together to summon the Siberian Tiger." We could see what that does," suggested Trevor the Lemur.
So Panda Junior, Cali, Skunk Boy, DalmatiHonn, Trevor the Lemur, Gregle the Eagle, and Lenny the cow/pig put their various "fists" together, and full of spirit as they did so, bellowed "Wolley!!" With a rumbling noise, the stone exterior of the statues began to crumble, and as they looked back, they saw a penguin and panda shake their heads and begin to brush away the stone dust. 
"Penguin-Guy! Eads! You're back!" they all exclaimed, moving closer to greet their old friends. 
"Aren't you supposed to be in Malaysia?" DalmatiHonn asked the panda. "And Penguin-Guy, as glad as I am to see you, I thought that for sure the castle falling had crushed you - we looked for you all afterwards for hours but... but... anyway, you're back now!"
The penguin looked around, a bit confused, before responding "Penguin-Guy? The G stands for Gangsta. Obviously."
Skunk Boy, not recognizing the sound of Penguin-Guy's voice was the first to ask the question on everyone's mind:
"What the hippo are you talking about?"
"Da Penguin-G. Penguin-Gangsta. It's my name. What are you all looking so disappointed for? Last time I checked Tai and I were here to help you fight evil."
"Who is Tai?"
"Probably the panda that you just awoke from the stone statue," said the panda.
"Eads, what are you talking about?" asked Gregle.
"I'm not Eads," said Tai, "but I've met him, I think. He's one of the ancient ones right, on the mountain?"
"Yeah," said Lenny. "I think you have some explaining to do."
"I think we do too" a voice squeaked from the floor, coming from a small black mouse by the name of Nicomous.

To Be Continued (sometime before 2012)...

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